Tweaking Glute Exercises

Tweaking Glute Exercises

Let’s Tweak It! Sometimes you can take a basic exercise and do something to tweak it! Often times we see hip bridges done with a bar over the hips, in order to give the glutes more work. I found this little gem from a Spanish PT blog. Having the band across the...
Strength with Resistance Bands!

Strength with Resistance Bands!

Building Strength with Resistance Bands! Today’s video not only has two great resistance band exercises, but I also tackle the great challenge of what color resistance bands to use! Since I narrate this video, I won’t bore you with text! Let me know if you...
The Healthy Benefits of Laughter

The Healthy Benefits of Laughter

Laughter IS the Best Medicine! Health Benefits don’t always have to take place in a gym, or involve moving, or putting something green in your mouth! Today’s post was spurred by a Children’s Book, or rather a reaction to a children’s book that...
Do You Believe in Magic?

Do You Believe in Magic?

Magic Shoulders!   Do you believe in magic? The Loving Spoonful sang that song oh so many years ago. But I believe that the magic is in the movement! How is that for a lead in?? Do your shoulders ever ache after gardening, or cleaning or paddling. (yes Ohana-...
Strengthen the Whole Body

Strengthen the Whole Body

First, let’s make sure we open our chest and warm up our backs, After just lying around on the roller during our warm-up our back muscles should be ready for some action! When we pull, we use our back, but we always want to tap into our core/trunk for extra...