Take 5! – Bosu Balance

Take 5! – Bosu Balance

Feeling Off-Balance? I don’t know about where you live, but sometimes it seems like we are skipping seasons. Makes one a bit off balance! This leads us into today’s Mobility Monday segment that features the Bosu! Trying to remain stable while moving one...
Finding Trigger Points in Your Glutes

Finding Trigger Points in Your Glutes

I know this might be scary… …there is nothing but my bootie in this video and a close-up at that!   The bottom line here, pun intended, is that trigger points in the glutes and hip area can cause all sorts of issues with your gait and mobility. They can...
Happy One Year Anniversary!

Happy One Year Anniversary!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!   Congratulations to all the Ripped Grandma Supporters and Members!!!! One year ago, almost to the date I posted my first video! It was long, no mike, and it was windy. But I did it! It was something that I had been wanting to do for a long...
Bird Dog on the Ball

Bird Dog on the Ball

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… …no it’s ripped grandma doing a Bird dog! In last weeks strength segment, I shared some reverse pec fly moves on the ball. I stated that you need to feel comfortable on the ball before you attempt the pec fly move! This is a good...