Today’s mobility work will focus on a simple hip movement called the hinge. It can be used in place of a squat to load and carry.

We see a hinge in cycling, in tennis players, football players, and golfers! You might want to hinge to have a look at that turkey in the oven, on Thursday.

I have found as a trainer that some of us have forgotten how to hinge. Think of the bird on the glass that dips his beak in but keeps his back straight. The hinge keeps us from rounding our back, both in lower and upper parts. Thus the hinge is a very good movement to learn particularly if we have issues with low back strain or have had knee issues.

When you bend down to pick something off the ground you can hinge, or if you are working in the yard, you can hinge. Picking up small children or animals?

You can hinge!

  • To begin, place your feet a little wider than hip-width apart.
  • Bring your heals slightly in as if shaping your foot like a bean
  • Find your hip bones with your fingers
  • Shift your weight to your heels and push your hips back like you are shutting the door behind you.
  • As you shut the door lengthen the tailbone back, your knees should be soft. Your shoulders do not move forward. They stay down and back!
  • If you find your hamstrings tight, continue to soften the knee. They will start to bend, but they will not bend forward.
  • The knee stays over the toes in a hinge. The lower leg is straight not at an angle.
  • To come up drive your heels into the ground and pull yourself from your back-side.
    📣 !NOTE- Not your low back! 📣

Regular Hinge

TRX Hinge

This is a great movement as it can develop into a deadlift maneuver that you can add weight to when appropriate! It strengthens your glutes, hamstrings, and core, helping with low back pain.

You can also use the hinge to do a hand walk down and up.

Here is a video to show you how…

You will also notice a hinge if you do a Down Dog position in Yoga. Your hips are just facing up rather than back!

Down Dog Yoga Position

Often times our hip rotators are tight so a 4 stretch can be done before.

A towel to assist is used in the 2nd example here to help on reach: 

4-Stretch – Hand Assist

4-Stretch – Towel Assist

Hinging is helpful in so many ways, it needs to be included in your top 5 movements in the RippedGrandma toolbox!

Have you hinged today? Tell us about it in the comments below…

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