Hope you are all feeling Balanced today!

Here are three things that might be affecting yours!


Balance is a fine line. WOW, words to live by… What I mean by that is there are many things that affect your balance. There are internal and external forces at work. For instance, the smell of coffee as you are walking down the street that draws your head around so fast, you lose it! And how many times do you have to tell the cat to not lie in the middle of the hall, he’s bumpy! Some other serious things that affect balance are your medication, past injuries, cognitive impairment, and age.

Hold on that last one may not be inevitable!

“Most changes in gait are related to underlying medical conditions and should not be considered an inevitable consequence of aging”, states Dr. Brooke Salzman, from The Journal of American Physicians!

That sounds to me like we might be able to take more control of some of our balance that we realize. We can be pro balancers. We can fight the good fight!



Dehydration causes imbalances in the cells of muscles so that they don’t work right when called upon.

Remember that Olympian women who faced severe dehydration as she struggled into the LA Colosseum! Her body contorted and she crumpled at the finish.

Sleep Deprivation: 

Sleep deprivation, which can also lead to a decline in the ability of muscles to contract as necessary for gait efficiency (Humes), has been shown to contribute to falls says in a study done in nursing homes. Sleep deprivation can also be a by-product of dehydration. Something to ponder! 

Shallow Breathing: 

A shallow breath or a short fast breath leads to a limited amount of oxygen. You remember how you felt after the run to the coffee shop! Oxygen is fuel for the body and once again if
you feel depleted there, the muscles don’t function as they should. Breathe deeply and take long strides to wherever you go! 

You can take control of that balance before it controls you! Arm yourself with a water bottle, pillow, and a good YouTube meditation resource! But watch those coffee shops!

Balance is a complex matter and should not be addressed lightly, mobility is a big key to maintaining the balance we have and improving it! Be mindful of what you can control!

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