Let’s go for a walk!

Walking! It is one of the easiest things we can do, to stay fit and well as we age. It has often been said that walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise.

Usually, I focus on a specific area that helps with mobility, but walking can do it all!

Walking can…

  • Improve cardiac health
  • Alleviate depression and fatigue
  • Improve and elevate the mood
  • Reduce the risk of certain cancers
  • Lessen stiffness and pain in joints
  • Improve circulation
  • Improve memory by preventing the deterioration of brain tissue
  • Help prevent weight gain
  • Supercharge the immune system
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Reduce the risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease
  • And more!

In a most recent study, it was found that as little as an hour a week, could help osteoarthritis sufferers remain functionally independent.  (*American Journal of Preventive Medicine)

Although walking is not a strength exercise perse, it can help to increase the fitness of our glutes (butt) by engaging them if we walk in the correct manner. Thus the title “Walk this Way”!

Those of you who have been with me since last year might have heard me talk about “Glide Walking”. A form of walking brought to light by Esther Gokhale. Ms. Gokhale is the creator of the Gokhale method, whose approach is to achieve better health through structure.

Glidewalking, as Esther describes it, “is really natural or primal walking given a special name because it is a rare thing in modern times and deserves to be celebrated with a special name.”

The main difference of this walk is that the back leg extends all the way and the heal remains on the ground well into the stride. This also helps to stretch out the psoas muscle, or the “sitting muscle,” as well!

I had the pleasure to attend a weekend posture retreat with Ms. Gokhale and glide walking was one of the big “ah ha’s” for me! I have included a link to her blog on Glide walking below. She also has a number of great YouTube videos as well as an informative website and newsletter! I hope you get a chance to check it out!

In the meantime, if you have questions related to walking, don’t hesitate to send me your comments or get in touch with me!

Happy Glide Walking!

By Esther Gokhale on GokhaleMethod.com

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