Let’s Tweak It!

Sometimes you can take a basic exercise and do something to tweak it!

Often times we see hip bridges done with a bar over the hips, in order to give the glutes more work. I found this little gem from a Spanish PT blog. Having the band across the hips helps to
engage more glute (butt) work. Particularly if you have trouble activating your glutes, this is something you can try that might do the trick.

The feedback I have gotten with my clients has been very positive. One to two sets can be effective as opposed to doing several sets and not feeling much of anything. Also, remember we want to brace the core before we start to lift the hips.

Why is glute strength important? It can help diminish back pain, help with knee pain, and help with balance. The hips and glutes are a big source of power for many activities of daily living.

The bands I use are Potok Resistance Bands, here is the link : 

Who has some tweaks with their favorite exercise that they want to share? Leave it in a comment below or share it in the Facebook Group with us. 

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