I know this might be scary…

…there is nothing but my bootie in this video and a close-up at that!
The bottom line here, pun intended, is that trigger points in the glutes and hip area can cause all sorts of issues with your gait and mobility. They can often be caused by too much activity or too little activity, such as sitting for long periods of time. The way I describe a Trigger point is a knot in a muscle fiber, that inhibits blood flow. A trigger point will be painful if you push on it, but it also may refer pain to another area. For instance I can push on a point close to the back of my hip and get referred pain closer to my mid back area. I can push on a spot on the back and get pain relief in the front of my shoulder.
“Sounds a lot like foam rolling to me, Annie!” Yes! that is what we are doing releasing myofascial tissue. In our case today, we are focusing on a specific area that seems to get a lot of attention. Or should I say creates low back pain and hip pain, two of the areas I get complaints about on a regular basis.

Also, if you have trouble getting down on the ground, or not dressed appropriately for the mat, this can offer quick relief.

As you can see I have a triangle drawn on my back side so you can get a better idea of the lines to follow to search for trigger points. My main focus are the glute medius and piriformis two of the biggest pain culprits in the back side. This is also a topic that has books and books are written about it. My favorite as a massage therapist is The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook 3rd Edition. Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief, written by Clair Davies, and Amber Davies. Davies suggest “ Massage of the trigger point my be the most noninvasive and risk free means for establishing circulation through the capillaries in the affected area”. (Simons, Travell, and Simons 1999). As a point of reference I look for the sore spot and you will know when you find it!

Spend 20-30 seconds on it if possible. Generally you will feel the pain subside and possibly go away completely. A word of caution here: Less is more! and more is not necessarily better!

Trigger points can also be aggravated by this process! So be cautious! Also if the area is swollen, red or hot, that is the time to get more expertise and see a doctor or Physical therapist.

Oh now that was scary! It is Halloween Week after all! However, if you are a healthy person who has had low grade back or hip pain, this might be an option for you to try. Especially if the roller is challenging! If you have further questions about Trigger points or your own story with them please feel free to share!

Enjoy your week! Boo!

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