,Coordination and Agility!

While we are on the road, traveling for fun or business, moving the body is always a great way to keep the aches and pains away. I’m not saying we don’t wake up a little stiff, especially after not following our regular schedules.
A short shoulder mobility routine can do wonders to get the body ready for the day whether it is a day on the green or a shopping spree!

Here are 4 of my favorite shoulder moves, demonstrating both stability and mobility.

Remember to not let the TRX Slack at any point.
All motion should be pain free. I am always asked how many should you do. Focus here is on range of movement. Although the hood and “I,Y,T” can be strength developing, work to your tolerance level.
Start with 8-10 on each side if doing single and 12-15 reps if doing bilateral movement, as in the case of our first movement.
1⃣ Facing Away From the Attachment, Strap long, Form a W with palms facing forward. I demonstrate a split stance, which helps me keep my hips in line. Gently push into the TRX and Bring arms up and down, keeping shoulders away from ears.
2⃣ Hood Stretch – Still facing away from attachment with long straps, start with what I call sleepwalk arms, coming right out of the chest.I do three different stances, all progressively challenging. The first move I step into the movement and push my arms up, as if I was pushing up a hood of a car. This is demonstrating shoulder stability as I push up. I do a lot of my work in my trunk by keeping my rib cage from flaring, by rotating the lower rib towards the hip. This is a very subtle movement.
The next two foot patterns progress, the last one being the feet together. To increase the challenge you can always step back and make the angle sharper. A word of caution, you don’t have to be deep to get the benefits of stability and core. Work at your level with all of these.
3⃣ I, Y, and T with a Split Stance – I often do the IYT on the mat or roller and this is a great place to start. Doing them with the TRX is more advanced, a light band works well here too. I’m doing small movements on purpose, because I want to focus on strengthening small muscles. I also have a T foot which helps to control body weight. I do two moves with each I Y and T. You could do 5 of each and then repeat or make deeper as your comfort level progresses. Extremely important to once again keep those shoulders away from the ear and stabilize with the core by keeping that rib cage from flaring up. Also note that we don’t want to arch the back.
4⃣ Golf Swing – Facing towards the attachment we start with a single swing to each side for true shoulder mobility and then do a double golf swing getting the whole body involved and a rotation move.

Now you are ready to face the day! Have a great week!

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