Welcome to part two of Thoracic Mobility! Last week we left our hero “Midback” stiff and rounded. “Neck” and “Shoulders” were trying to help but they could not extend him! “Low Back” jumped in because he always does….trying to rotate “Midback”! This is not a new Netflix drama, it is your body drama without movement! Nobody drama!

I’m hoping some of you had a chance to try the three movements for Thoracic mobility last week. This week’s additions are a bit more challenging. Especially, the single leg with rotation to lead leg.

Remember to start where you are…we are all on a different path, and generally, the path is never a straight one, so let’s rotate!


Half Butterfly

  • Starting on the mat, drop the right elbow to the ground as shown.
  • Bring left hand to the back of the head, for support. Note how there is no roundness in my back.
  • Rotate towards the left, bringing the left elbow up towards the sky, then return the elbow to the mat.
  • Repeat several times on one side, then go to other side.

Walking Rotation over Lead Leg

For this simple movement, I used Nicolette’s ball, to just help stabilize my shoulders. Often time you will see a medicine or weighted ball being used. For this mobility drill, a light ball or no weight is advised.

  • Take a forward step with a slight rotation to the opposite hip.
  • For this demo, I am standing in one spot. The standing leg is also getting some strength work by supporting my body while I move the other.
  • Make sure to do both sides. The demo only shows one.
  • To make this harder, start walking and rotate to lead leg side.
  • To make it really hard walk over hot coals… (threw that in to see if you are reading or just looking at the pictures) Do not walk over hot coals, unless you have done before!! 

Single Leg Rotation – No Weight

This is probably the most challenging of the thoracic mobility exercises. It involves standing on a single leg with the opposite leg in a 90* position. If standing on a single leg is difficult for you, stick with the walking rotation.

  • With your hands out bring the right leg up to 90 degrees.
  • Rotate the arms to the right.
  • Keep your hips forward. The low back does not rotate.
  • First set, do with the head straight.
  • Second set, rotate the head and follow the arms with the eyes.
  • Try 8-10.
  • For a super challenge, close one eye, then close both eyes! This increases your other balance senses!
  • Make sure you rotate to the left also, this day just happened to be right sided! 

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