“Focus” its the new “F” word! We all laughed as my one coach said that last week, while we paddled our Outrigger canoe in the Monterey Bay. After all, at the end of the workout, we tend to lose focus. Sometimes at the beginning, we lose focus! How many people do I see reading or watching TV while they are on a bike or treadmill? No focus at all. While we all try to be multitaskers, the fact is the brain was made to focus on a single target. When we do concentrate our body can work better and achieve more. That seems like a very simple thing to do, but how many times have you driven to the grocery store and realized you wanted to go to the park. You might call that autopilot. If we perform our movement and exercise this way we are not learning anything and we will not see the gains we want.

However, if we concentrate, the brain and body begin to work together. At the cellular level, the intense concentration will facilitate greater neuronal rewiring, called neuroplasticity. (Neuroplasticity is a big buzzword now! More on that in posts to come) Neurons in the brain communicate with each other through synapses. This is the way we of learn and create a memory! (Ratey and Hagerman 2008) Intense concentration in our exercise enhance this process of delivering signals faster to the synapse This occurs at any age, but a fact that should be very important to us over the age of 60 as we our try to maintain our brain function. It becomes a pattern of increase brain function producing increase muscle function.(Heiden, Testa and Musolf 2008) And a great reason to stay focused! If anyone is interested in the entire article I would be happy to share the link!

What do you think? Interesting right? Next week strategies to increase intense concentration!

Also, thank you, Coach Lisa! You are awesome and focused!