Happy almost Thanksgiving! Lots of rushing around, people to see, and food to eat this week.

Today features strength movements and all 3 movements can be done in the kitchen while you are waiting for that bird to cook! They all use body weight and are simple to do. You can speed them up as I did or you can squat with a grandchild, turkey or ham.

Sit-to-Stand Basic Squat:

  • Using two legs and a chair. Start in a seated position.
  • Press your heels into the floor and squeeze the butt.
  • Do 10-15 and see how you feel.
  • Repeat before dessert!

This is a simple but effective way to increase leg strength and one of the 7 functional movements.

Counter Push Up:

  • Find a solid counter or wall and a non-slippery surface, no foot rugs!
  • Place your hands at the counter about shoulder width apart, while the feet can be a bit wider than hips.
  • Keep your heels down. As you lower down, your weight shifts from heels to toes.
  • Do this 8-10 times.

I used a bit of speed at the end. Varying our speed is great because it enhances our power muscles! It is also one of the 7 functional movements!

Single Leg Sit-to-Stand Squat:

The single leg sit-to-stand is done the same way as the basic squat movement but we move the use of one leg.

This is more challenging than it looks, so if you are having difficulty coming up tap the other foot gently down until you develop the strength.

This meets the requirement of a single leg exercise.

Potato Row:

This one has Thanksgiving written all over it! Find two bags or something you can grip that is similar in weight to each other. It does not have to be exact!

  • Hinge, with one foot in front of other.
  • Pull the bags up from the hips.
  • Be mindful not to pull from the shoulder but the back.
  • Keeping the hands closer to the hips ensures this.
  • 8-10 reps or more.

I also used speed at the end of this one!

A pull is one of the 7 functional movements.

Squat with Weight:

Same great squat move but with a wiggly girl for added weight. She is not quite 28 lbs., enough to challenge! You can hear my son in the background coaching me.


Every good kitchen workout needs to have a little cardio at the end!

Enjoy your day and remember if you are going to live long you might as well be strong!

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