Focus on the squat…

Squats in fitness are one of the mainstays of a routine. Squats in life are essential. Not to be too graphic, but I’m thinking of a recent trip to a porta-potty where my squatting skills came into play big time. Usually, you love them or you don’t! If you would like to include them in your workout, here are some variations.

Today’s superset, our 3rd one in the series, involves a squat routine with the TRX and a regular pulley, with a squat and row.

You can replicate the squat and row with the band, but the TRX Front Squat is hard to replicate without a TRX. You can do a Running man split squat, but I will save that for another video, Stay tuned!

A TRX Front Squat

  • I face away from the attachment and have the straps long.
  • I place the straps under my arms and push on them so there is no slack.
  • Walking back in a plank position until I am on my toes, this is our end position.
  • Keeping my hands pushing into the straps I reach my hips back as if to sit back but keep the weight in my toes, then extend my body back to the starting position.
  • The back remains flat, by keeping the chest open, but not flaring the rib cage.
  • For increased metabolic activity I do a jump forward and back just to keep it fun.

Squat and Row at the Pulley with Both Arms.

  • The second set you can alternate pull, or pull with one side of the body for 15 and then the other for 15.
  • Depending on your fitness level start with 8-10 reps of each exercise and work up to 1 min- of both. Doing 3-5 sets depending again on your fitness level.
  • You can do these with a row of 250 meters in between or a cardio style up and over on the bosu!

Enjoy and have fun!

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