What is the difference between flexibility and mobility or is there any?

☑️Flexibility: The quality of bending easily without breaking.

☑️Mobility: The ability to move or be moved freely and easily.

My definitions of the two are expressed in movement. You might have flexibility in your ankle to be able to wiggle your toes but can you stride with confidence or step off a curb and step back as a car comes close.

I would say we need both flexibility and mobility to be our best selves, whether it is vacuuming or booming down a mountain on skis!

While we move through space we need to be without pain. Joint pain from chronic diseases such as arthritis, past injury, muscle strain or tightness might influence our movement, not age.

No matter the reason, moving should not hurt. If you hurt after exercise or movement for more than 24 hours then you probably did too much. If you are doing movement and you have sharp or any pain that makes you stop… STOP – do not push thru it! Listen to your body.

If the pain is an issue, start with smaller movements. If standing, be in a safe spot where you have a counter or rail for balance. If land movements are challenging, consider water!

All of the movements I demonstrate on land can be done in a shallow pool also, chest deep or shallower.

Today we focus on moving in the front plane of motion, starting with a weight shift and then progressing to a small bound and then a big bound. Start where you are and have fun!

In the video I’m trying out my new mike, let me know how you like it in the comments below!

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