“How much exercise do I need to stay healthy?”

Last week we posted a question in the Ripped Grandma Wellness Facebook Group and asked you how often you exercise? From the answers that were posted we have a very active group! But in case you are wondering where your activity fits here are the latest guidelines.

To stay healthy the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee recommends 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity weekly. How do you know if you are working in the moderate intensity zone? If you are chatting with a buddy it will be hard to talk between breaths, but not impossible. You should be able to carry on a conversation or sing your favorite song out loud! (But you will be a bit breathy). This recommendation includes adults 65 and over as well. For muscle strengthening, the committee recommends all the major muscle groups, at a moderate intensity or greater, 2 or more days a week.

Additionally in the 65 and over population various modes of physical activity can have increased benefits. “Multicomponent “ programs that use elements of strength, aerobic, and balance training can improve balance, gait speed, and the ability to perform daily living tasks.

The most encouraging finding in this report I feel, is that fact that any physical activity, no matter how small, yields immediate health benefits. 2008 Guidelines suggested that 10 minutes of physical activity was needed to improve markers of health. The recent guidelines suggest that
any activity duration makes you healthier!

So, if you are an avid fitness person or have a particular sport that you are doing you are probably meeting these guidelines. But if you are not particularly a “sport person” there are other ways to move! Gardening, Dancing, Yoga, Tai Chi, and even house cleaning can burn calories and get you moving in all directions!

What is your favorite way to move?

2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report

By The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee on Health.gov

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