Side Planks

I have done some planking throughout this blog, using a single leg, moving planks, and tapping shoulder planks. Today we introduce the basic side plank with work on the elbow.

Planks, in general, do several things. One and the biggest focuses are to stabilize the core and also help to stabilize the shoulders. The side plank definitely puts more work on the later, as in shoulder stability, and you really want to pay attention to where you line up. You really want to engage your lat and back muscles here.

I share basic side planks here. We can always add things or take away but first establish a pain-free side plank for 10-20 seconds before you progress.

You can use the same 10 seconds on, 1-2 seconds off work as I recommend for the regular plank.

Just a reminder, not all exercises work for everyone. Be kind to your body and don’t force anything. You want to be challenged not injured. Grab your mat, find the perfect spot for you and let’s get started!

Here’s How…

  • Make sure you have your elbow directly under your shoulder at a 90 degree angle
  • Relax your hand
  • Pull your shoulder gently back and down away from your ear.
  • The front leg is on top.
  • Drive the feet down into the ground and raise the hip up so the feet, knees, and shoulder are in line with each other.
  • Hips should be aligned with each other.
  • Hold for 10 seconds then off 1-2 seconds, then back up. Complete both sides.

Variation #1

This one is modified with the knees in a 90-degree position. We are shortening the lever. If you can do these without pain do 10-12 second holds 3-4 series. Make sure that your hips are square. (Thus the title of the song, Hip to be Square) You can go on!

Variation #2

Come up into a plank and drop down to the ground and come up. Do not let the chest collapse forward.

Variation #3

Bring the arm up. Hold while doing a plank.

Variation #4

Follow the basic side plank. Bring the arm to the top, and then reach through the other arm.

Make sure you are breathing! When focused we forget to breathe. I am here to offer a gentle reminder. 😉

Enjoy the rest of the week and let me know how these work for you in a comment below!

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