Let’s Roll Those Shoulders!

Today’s brief video is a simple one, but I feel a very important one for a number of reasons.

  • First, although I am in my studio, I could have done this in my pajamas, or on a park bench. Thought I would spare you since you have already seen me in my PJs!
  • Second, if you work at a computer for any length of time, yes, even personal trainers do this, more than you think… it helps to keep the blood flowing and open the chest!
  • Third, it is great for your core and neck, the more mobile you are in the shoulders, the more stable you can be in your spine, and neck area.

The movements here are very simple.

I start with gentle shoulder rolls back, and then forward.

The second movement is a bit tricky, as you are moving your shoulder blades forward and back without bending your elbows or using a lot of upper neck muscles. You use your rhomboid muscle to do this. As I have discovered this is a lost muscle of the 21st century. Try to do this movement, with a rounded back. You can’t, nada, no, doesn’t work. You can do this laying down, or standing against a wall also. I would do 8-10 forward rolls, 8-10 backward rolls.

Then try the protraction, retraction, forward/backward movement with the shoulders. You can do this as a warm-up along with your other shoulder mobility movements, or you can do it as a “wake me up – walk around the room” type of movement. You can do this as often as you can tolerate it throughout the day because it just feels good!

⚠ Remember, all the movement I share should be pain-free, if pain or discomfort pops up, please discontinue immediately. ⚠

I am sitting on a bench and also have a light ball between my legs to give me more activity in my pelvic floor and core activation. Enjoy and let me hear some feedback on how the movement worked for you?

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