The Ripped Grandma Blog is the place to be when you don’t feel like coming into the studio!
Workout from home with me! Or… learn something new about your health.
Mindset Matters!
Mindsets Matter Do you think of growing old as an inevitable process of deterioration, both mind and body, or a process where we continue to grow wisdom and gain growth?...
No Gym Required Workout
To sit or stand, that is the question, the answer is move! How many of you think we burn more energy standing rather than sitting? I hope most of you chose standing,...
Stability, Mobility & Strength
Mobility and Strength, Wow what a concept! There is such a divide out amongst the powers that be, to separate weight training and cardio. Today's exercise dares to touch on...
Strength with Resistance Bands!
Building Strength with Resistance Bands! Today's video not only has two great resistance band exercises, but I also tackle the great challenge of what color resistance...
Back To Basics with the Feet
Happy feet make happy campers, hikers, tennis players, golfers and walkers! It's amazing how we abuse such important structures of our bodies by sticking them in tight...
Biggest Bang for Your Buck Moves with a Lunge
Time, where does it go? Time flies, it’s fleeting and it waits for no one! It's also one of the biggest excuses given for not working out. I think for the majority of us we...
Step It Up With The Agility Ladder
Working with the Agility Ladder! Most of us have seen an agility ladder on a sports field, or maybe you remember working with one on the tennis court or soccer field. Just...
The Healthy Benefits of Laughter
Laughter IS the Best Medicine! Health Benefits don't always have to take place in a gym, or involve moving, or putting something green in your mouth! Today's post was...
Do You Believe in Magic?
Magic Shoulders! Do you believe in magic? The Loving Spoonful sang that song oh so many years ago. But I believe that the magic is in the movement! How is that for a lead...
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