
The Ripped Grandma Blog is the place to be when you don’t feel like coming into the studio!
Workout from home with me! Or… learn something new about your health.

6 Moves to Keep You Happy

6 Moves to Keep You Happy

Keep Yourself Happy... Looking for some creative ideas next time you go to the gym? Here are 6 moves to keep you happy! Today's happy movements are... Pulling The Spiderman...

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BACK to Basics

BACK to Basics

The Big 3 Healthy Back Exercises Back pain can be unrelenting! It can be a quick sharp stab or a dull ache that just does not go away. It can mean lost wages, lost time and...

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6 Moves to Make you Happy

6 Moves to Make you Happy

Recovering from A Cold... I am thankfully recovered from a nasty bout of bronchitis, that put me out of the studio for a week! If you feel lousy do yourself and everyone...

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How Blue Are You?

How Blue Are You?

Blue Zones? What comes to your mind when you hear that phrase? The aquarium perhaps? The opposite of the red zone? A large contingent of depressed people? On the contrary,...

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Jump the Joint with the Bosu

Jump the Joint with the Bosu

Winter is just around the corner and ski season is here! Although It has been several years since I skied! (ok more than several) But, if YOU are thinking about hitting the...

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Big Pulls and Core Work

Big Pulls and Core Work

Let's Pull That Core Into Shape Have you ever struggled to pull yourself out of a pool, up a rope, or up the side of a mountain? When we pull, we use our back muscles, not...

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Take 5! – Bosu Balance

Take 5! – Bosu Balance

Feeling Off-Balance? I don't know about where you live, but sometimes it seems like we are skipping seasons. Makes one a bit off balance! This leads us into today's...

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