
The Ripped Grandma Blog is the place to be when you don’t feel like coming into the studio!
Workout from home with me! Or… learn something new about your health.

Core Strength

Core Strength

We all are told we need it. It helps us walk, and squat and jump tall buildings in a single bound. But what is it exactly? For the purposes of this post, the core is the...

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Thoracic Spine Mobility

Thoracic Spine Mobility

Thoracic Spine Mobility or how to avoid the dreaded rounded back! Visually one of the most common things we see, and we want to avoid, is that rounded back. It often occurs...

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NEAT Exercises!

NEAT Exercises!

Do you know about NEAT? It is an acronym that stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.  Research shows you can burn 250-500 calories a day from NEAT. NEAT...

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Reversing Bone Loss

Reversing Bone Loss

👻Happy Halloween! 🎃 Bone loss can be downright frightful! In fact, for women over 50, there is a 50% chance that they will suffer a broken bone because of Osteoporosis. In...

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Daily Warm Up for Max Mobility

Daily Warm Up for Max Mobility

Does it sometimes scare you, the way you move when you get out of bed in the morning? Life makes you humble, movement makes it better (in my opinion). Warming up for your...

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The New ‘F’ Word

The New ‘F’ Word

“Focus” its the new "F" word! We all laughed as my one coach said that last week, while we paddled our Outrigger canoe in the Monterey Bay. After all, at the end of the...

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Building Shoulder Strength

Building Shoulder Strength

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.” Kelly Clarkson sings. Please, let's not take it that far! But building muscle mass is important for increasing metabolism and...

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Lighten the Load On The Shoulders

Lighten the Load On The Shoulders

Shoulders get a lot of press, you can put a chip on one, look over it, or carry the weight of the world on them. None of that sounds particularly comfortable to me. The...

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The Hips Don’t Lie

The Hips Don’t Lie

Don’t you just love to watch little kids squat? My granddaughter gives a clear example of mobile hips and very flexible ankles! We all were able to move this way at one...

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