Winter is just around the corner and ski season is here!

Although It has been several years since I skied! (ok more than several) But, if YOU are thinking about hitting the slopes, it is imperative to get your legs and body in shape. And if you are not a skier, no worries! Today’s moves can benefit your balance and agility off of the slopes as well as keeping your hips lose!

Lateral Touch and Tap

This is a great movement to get your booty ready for anything. Hopefully, it will start to activate your backside as your side (frontal) plane movement is glute heavy.

For a skier the stability and movement of the hips are key. This side to side helps work the Glute Medius which is a key performer and generally underutilized in the general population because we are so front to back oriented.

As you reach the posts of each side get into your best athletic stance. Hips back, but not too far… chest is open. If your knees and quads tire here, keep your hips back farther and make sure your toes are facing forward.

The acceleration of the power to get to one side and then the deceleration to stop are helpful in preventing a fall, as well as getting your cardio up for coming down the slopes. Who hoo!

Jump and Stick

Front, right side, left side! This is a fun move and it works so many things, but it is a fairly advanced move. The risk is much greater here for fall, so be very comfortable with the Bosu before trying it.

If you have not done any jumping, pick a line on the level floor and jump over it. Only when you have mastered that, and perhaps jumping up to a slight step, should you try the Bosu!
As you can see I am using my whole body to load for the spring to the top.

Another Option

Rather than the Bosu jump is hopping on one leg, side to side, front to back!

Single leg work is always a benefit as we move on a single leg when we walk!

I may not see you on the slopes (I’m a water girl now ) but if you have some great getting ready for the ski season exercises, I would love to see them!

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