Strength comes in all forms!

In the fitness realm, we associate it with weight, generally how much we can push and pull or lift. In this RG blog, I have focused on that very thing. But there are greater strengths that we possess that may help us face challenges in the fitness/ wellness realm that we often neglect. Our unique strengths and characteristics have developed over time and through life experience. These are the strengths we can’t see in our six-pack or biceps, but the ones that we might be overlooking in our everyday world. By tapping into them we can look at how they might help us face some of our fitness/wellness challenges; maybe trying a new program, or figuring out how to move more, eat differently, or get motivated for change in general.

I am including a list of strength characteristics of successful changers. Because frankly we are our own worst critic and we have forgotten how awesome we are! These might help us jog our negative mindset.

Pick the 3-5 that best suits you. This might take some inner reflection, thus the picture of the little girl and the cat. (besides, you can’t lose with animals or kids) (especially animals)

Sometimes we focus too much on what we are lacking rather than what we have within us. How can we use our inner strengths to overcome those challenges? Only you know that! But by bringing them to your awareness you can give it some thought. I will be posting more strength exercises but for this week lets work from the inside out and see if it doesn’t give us a different perspective!

Here’s to being strong inside and out!

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