Movement to Help the Heart…

As I write this it is Valentine’s Season so I wanted to post a bit about giving yourself a Valentine and moving, with music. The movement helps with our heart function, therefore the link to Valentine’s! In particular, as we age Arterial stiffness, which increases with sedentary living, is associated with a higher risk of heart disease.

But exactly how much movement do we need or what’s the least amount of exercise we can get by with to offset this arterial stiffness?

The good news is, if you are a life long exerciser, plus 25 years or so, you are in good shape. If you are less active, walking once a week may help increase circulation and overall glow but, it is not enough to offset this stiffness.

And the winner is….” reduced central arterial stiffness in the elderly requires a consistent commitment to exercising at least 4–5 times per week over a lifetime.”

For this study, an exercise session was defined as 30 min. This study was published in 2018 from The Journal of Physiology, and was recognized as “defining the least amount of exercise needed to preserve compliant central arteries in older age.” You can find the full article at -exercise-for-heart-health.

If you find yourself being challenged either by time limits or just motivation. Music can help with that! In a December article on how music effects exercise, research indicates “regardless of whether music lowers exercisers’ RPE, it can act as a motivator, enabling individuals to exercise with greater efficiency. However, the motivational stimulus may be less effective at higher intensities”.

RPE is the “rate of perceived exertion.” In other words, RPE is how hard you feel you are working, no matter what the machine says! What’s more, music can increase the exercisers’ psychological arousal. How can you beat that!

If you would like to see that article please let me know and I will send it to you! You can comment below or send me a direct message.

There you go two fun facts for you! Keep moving and do it with music!!

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