Another day, another way to warm up the body!

These are two of my favorite dynamic stretches borrowed with love from Therapist Chuck Wolf. I have been using these two movements for years after I saw Mr. Wolf speak at one of my educational seminars. They are wonderful to do before you work out, before you garden, or before you play tennis or golf.

Try them before you vacuum or start to clean the house!

Why should we separate the movement we do outside of the gym or in the gym? It is all movement!

The key here is pelvic movement and keeping that back from rounding. You need not go as deep as me. Do what you can tolerate!

The first movement helps stretch both the front and the back of the body. The second one helps work the side body, and the side to side motion.
Next week I will continue but for now, give these a try.

Send me some pics of you doing your front-to-back stretches and I will post them! (with your permission of course) Click Here for My Email Address.

Have a great week! And, Move!

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