Magic Shoulders!


Do you believe in magic? The Loving Spoonful sang that song oh so many years ago. But I believe that the magic is in the movement! How is that for a lead in??

Do your shoulders ever ache after gardening, or cleaning or paddling. (yes Ohana- I’m talking to you) Do you have difficulty reaching for the top shelf and never really had an injury?

Keeping the shoulders mobile and moving is a key factor in helping to reduce some of that pain you might be experiencing. It might even help reduce neck pain, because when a joint doesn’t move properly the body calls in the troops.

What joint is close to your shoulder? Cervical joints are on top, elbow and wrist joints are below. Maintaining healthy joints as best you can might be the answer you are looking for.

If you work with me on a regular basis you know I do some of these before we work the shoulders and upper body. It helps warm them up and get them ready for more challenging work.

Remember, movement should be pain free.

Although I use a light yellow band to demonstrate you could do these with movement only. Make sure also that you do this on both sides 😉 .

The key is to maintain proper posture prior to the movement, keeping your shoulder in line with the hips. You may stand while doing these or sit on an exercise ball, or chair.

You can do these on a regular daily basis unless you are very sore the next day. If that happens! Wait until the soreness stops before doing anymore. Start with one set of 8-12 reps and see how it feels the next day.

You are working small muscles here so please keep the band light.

⚠️A Word of Caution⚠️ When you pull the band back to begin the second movement pattern, keep the elbow below the shoulder as if you are leaning on something.

So, do you believe in magic? The magic happens when you work consistently and see the improvement in your reach and feel the lack of pain when you do!

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