Welcome Back!

Today, since it is the first “work” day after Springing forward, let’s just take a moment to open those chest muscles. If we want the back muscle to work, and we do want that, yes! We need to unwind the front muscles of the chest.

We Have Two Options

  • One on the roller(see picture)
    1. Breath Deeply
    2. Relax- let those shoulders drop
    3. “Calgon take me away.” | Let the chest open.
  • One at the corner – (see picture)
    1. Put your hands at your chest and walk thru
    2. Breathe (just a reminder)
    3. Do 5 to 8 walk thru’s with the right leg forward
    4. Breathe (so nice we do it twice)
    5. Do 5 to 8 walk thru’s with the left leg forward.

Easy peasy! See you next time!

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The TRX Foam Roller that you see me using in the first picture is a game changer. It can really help you open your chest and get a good deep stretch and you can grab one just like it right here!**


**This blog post contains affiliate links from TRX Training. If you use them, I might be rewarded credit or a commission of the sale. Please note that I only recommend tools that I personally use and love and I always have my readers’ best interest at heart.