3 Leg Strength Exercises

3 Leg Strength Exercises

Happy New Year! As I write this last post of the year my heart is filled with gratitude for the support you have all given me with RippedGrandma! My wish for you all is a Healthy and Adventurous New Year! Remember, RippedGrandma was developed with you all in mind. I...
Perfecting Your Plank

Perfecting Your Plank

“I need to work my core!” What comes to mind when you hear those words? What visions of fitness might you disdain because of that word? My 6th grade PE class comes to mind, (a long long time ago) and slamming myself so hard on the mat as someone held my feet down and...


I often get asked what are the best core exercises to do. Usually, someone is padding their tummy when they are asking me. Keep in mind core exercises are beneficial for balance, for sports activity for life activities such as gardening. If you have a strong core your...
The Kitchen Workout

The Kitchen Workout

Happy almost Thanksgiving! Lots of rushing around, people to see, and food to eat this week. Today features strength movements and all 3 movements can be done in the kitchen while you are waiting for that bird to cook! They all use body weight and are simple to do....