Super Set #4: Rear Delts

Super Set #4: Rear Delts

Let’s Work Those Delts! Feeling the Blues?  Not if you have your super sets ready! This 4th installment of my super set segment pairs 2 back exercises together, using the rear delts, or reverse flys. Remember, anytime you are pulling you are initiating from the...
Strengthen the Whole Body

Strengthen the Whole Body

First, let’s make sure we open our chest and warm up our backs, After just lying around on the roller during our warm-up our back muscles should be ready for some action! When we pull, we use our back, but we always want to tap into our core/trunk for extra...
Super Set #3: Squats

Super Set #3: Squats

Focus on the squat… Squats in fitness are one of the mainstays of a routine. Squats in life are essential. Not to be too graphic, but I’m thinking of a recent trip to a porta-potty where my squatting skills came into play big time. Usually, you love them...
Super Set #2: The Push

Super Set #2: The Push

Super Setting! A great way to add a little flavor and kick to your routine! Last week we focused on the row, or pull, for our super set. Today’s video involves the push. As a reminder, a super set is usually two exercises that are done back to back, which...