Lighten the Load On The Shoulders

Lighten the Load On The Shoulders

Shoulders get a lot of press, you can put a chip on one, look over it, or carry the weight of the world on them. None of that sounds particularly comfortable to me. The shoulder is a very moveable joint, kind of like the hip of the upper body! But unlike the hip, it...
The Hips Don’t Lie

The Hips Don’t Lie

Don’t you just love to watch little kids squat? My granddaughter gives a clear example of mobile hips and very flexible ankles! We all were able to move this way at one time! What happened? My theory is we stopped playing, we sit more and we don’t use our hips...
Don’t Forget the Feet & Ankles

Don’t Forget the Feet & Ankles

Whatever your favorite way to move might be, it involves some form of mobility. Being able to zig and zag is important even on the way to that coffee shop. (yes, I write these in the mornings when the java is steaming) If you are a recreational athlete, and most of us...