Hip Mobility with Core Stability

Hip Mobility with Core Stability

One of the biggest concerns I have heard voiced in regards to aging actively is the idea of flexibility. I read that as being able to continue to move when you want to, where you want to, without any pain. We don’t always have to be moving, but it is great to...
Core Strength

Core Strength

We all are told we need it. It helps us walk, and squat and jump tall buildings in a single bound. But what is it exactly? For the purposes of this post, the core is the trunk of your body that provides stability for the other limbs to move. Your core is your power...
Thoracic Spine Mobility

Thoracic Spine Mobility

Thoracic Spine Mobility or how to avoid the dreaded rounded back! Visually one of the most common things we see, and we want to avoid, is that rounded back. It often occurs in chronically enriched people, but if you look around it is quite common in people of all ages...
NEAT Exercises!

NEAT Exercises!

Do you know about NEAT? It is an acronym that stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.  Research shows you can burn 250-500 calories a day from NEAT. NEAT encompasses the calories we burn while living life, such as walking to work, fidgeting, typing, folding...
Daily Warm Up for Max Mobility

Daily Warm Up for Max Mobility

Does it sometimes scare you, the way you move when you get out of bed in the morning? Life makes you humble, movement makes it better (in my opinion). Warming up for your workout or life, this Mobility Monday, on a Tuesday focuses on moving in three different...