Agility Drills!

Agility Drills!

Coordination and Agility! This is a mobility movement that focuses on coordination and agility. Since safety is my first concern if you feel uncomfortable doing this for any reason start where you can… hold onto a bar or counter. Coordination is important for...
The Traveling Shoulders

The Traveling Shoulders

,Coordination and Agility! While we are on the road, traveling for fun or business, moving the body is always a great way to keep the aches and pains away. I’m not saying we don’t wake up a little stiff, especially after not following our regular...
Hula Hoop Hustle

Hula Hoop Hustle

Let’s play! Sometimes you just have to have fun and make stuff up. I have a new weighted hula hoop that just says use me! I just threw in the footwork for agility. Pretend the outside is hot coals or something else that you don’t want to be standing in! Movement...
My Favorite Dynamic Stretches

My Favorite Dynamic Stretches

Another day, another way to warm up the body! These are two of my favorite dynamic stretches borrowed with love from Therapist Chuck Wolf. I have been using these two movements for years after I saw Mr. Wolf speak at one of my educational seminars. They are wonderful...
Chest Openers with the Ripped Grandma

Chest Openers with the Ripped Grandma

Welcome Back! Today, since it is the first “work” day after Springing forward, let’s just take a moment to open those chest muscles. If we want the back muscle to work, and we do want that, yes! We need to unwind the front muscles of the chest. We Have Two...
Down Dog & Up Dog Warm-Ups

Down Dog & Up Dog Warm-Ups

My Favorite Warm-Up Exercises Today’s video involves one of my favorite warm-up exercises. The Down Dog, Up dog dynamic movement! However, it is not the first thing I do. First, I warm up both the shoulders and the hips with some mobilization movements and if...