No Gym Required Workout

No Gym Required Workout

To sit or stand, that is the question, the answer is move! How many of you think we burn more energy standing rather than sitting? I hope most of you chose standing, although if you were sitting and marching, or standing and marching it might be a different story. The...
Back To Basics with the Feet

Back To Basics with the Feet

Happy feet make happy campers, hikers, tennis players, golfers and walkers! It’s amazing how we abuse such important structures of our bodies by sticking them in tight places called shoes. For relief let’s do a little golf ball roll, which might help to...
Step It Up With The Agility Ladder

Step It Up With The Agility Ladder

Working with the Agility Ladder! Most of us have seen an agility ladder on a sports field, or maybe you remember working with one on the tennis court or soccer field. Just because we are older doesn’t necessarily mean that they are out of bounds. A few posts ago...
Do You Believe in Magic?

Do You Believe in Magic?

Magic Shoulders!   Do you believe in magic? The Loving Spoonful sang that song oh so many years ago. But I believe that the magic is in the movement! How is that for a lead in?? Do your shoulders ever ache after gardening, or cleaning or paddling. (yes Ohana-...