The Healthy Benefits of Laughter

The Healthy Benefits of Laughter

Laughter IS the Best Medicine! Health Benefits don’t always have to take place in a gym, or involve moving, or putting something green in your mouth! Today’s post was spurred by a Children’s Book, or rather a reaction to a children’s book that...
New Year Thoughts on Wellness

New Year Thoughts on Wellness

Happy New Year! Greetings and let’s rock this year, shall we?Where will the road lead you this year? Three thoughts to ponder as you get started on your new path of wellness and movement in 2019 (or even if you want to continue on the current healthy path). 1. Don’t...
Aging Bravely!

Aging Bravely!

Strength comes in all forms! The fitness industry, unfortunately, has focused on the outside body, the 6 pack, the muffin top, the boot camp! While all that is important, as we age, it is in our capacity to be brave, challenging our numerous life circumstances that...
What Is Metabolism?

What Is Metabolism?

Metabolism In its simplest definition; it’s the act of making energy from food. It’s actually a lot more complex than that and works to build up, as well as to break down, chemical processes in our body. The fact is, it starts to decline as we age. In fact...
The Belly Fat Complex

The Belly Fat Complex

Belly fat is a complex issue and there are no easy answers. While exploring the subject and how best to address it, I came across some info that is more of a “Fun Fact”. How many of you have heard of Irisin? Irisin is an exercise-induced hormone that...
NEAT Exercises!

NEAT Exercises!

Do you know about NEAT? It is an acronym that stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.  Research shows you can burn 250-500 calories a day from NEAT. NEAT encompasses the calories we burn while living life, such as walking to work, fidgeting, typing, folding...