Sleep – The Final Frontier Pt. 2

Sleep – The Final Frontier Pt. 2

Why is Sleep so important to our overall well being? Do you ever find yourself pooping out at parties! Remember when we went to parties?? In all seriousness, there is nothing funny about not getting enough sleep. There is an estimated 35% of Americans who do not get...
Sleep – The Final Frontier

Sleep – The Final Frontier

Lets start a conversation… …about sleep zzzzz. As an active aging adult (considered those over 50) sleep often seems elusive. Perhaps we have trouble getting to sleep, maybe we awake at specific times and suffer from monkey mind. (that is my personal...
Cardio & Alzheimer’s Prevention

Cardio & Alzheimer’s Prevention

One of my favorite cardio exercises is using the rower! From my early years at UC Santa Barbara when I participated in my first crew experience, I was hooked on moving on the water! 🚣‍♀️   After a long hiatus I found my passion again in Ke Kei Ohana, paddling a 6...
How Blue Are You?

How Blue Are You?

Blue Zones? What comes to your mind when you hear that phrase? The aquarium perhaps? The opposite of the red zone? A large contingent of depressed people? On the contrary, Blue Zones are the places around the world, there are 5 of them, where people live long and...
Tweaking Glute Exercises

Tweaking Glute Exercises

Let’s Tweak It! Sometimes you can take a basic exercise and do something to tweak it! Often times we see hip bridges done with a bar over the hips, in order to give the glutes more work. I found this little gem from a Spanish PT blog. Having the band across the...