Walk This Way! (Stay At Home Edition)

Walk This Way! (Stay At Home Edition)

Walk This Way! But, only in your neighborhood! Make it count! I, like everyone else, am trying to figure out what day it is. My studio has been closed for just about two weeks. I have to say, I’m feeling a little lost! But I have been doing a lot of walking!  ...
Cardio & Alzheimer’s Prevention

Cardio & Alzheimer’s Prevention

One of my favorite cardio exercises is using the rower! From my early years at UC Santa Barbara when I participated in my first crew experience, I was hooked on moving on the water! 🚣‍♀️   After a long hiatus I found my passion again in Ke Kei Ohana, paddling a 6...
Core Movements You Can Learn to Love

Core Movements You Can Learn to Love

Tired of the same old plank movements for your core? Here are two great metabolic movements that involve rotation and stability! Yes! It is a new toy, but sometimes you have to throw in some pizzazz and sparkle. After-all… it is Valentines Day! Movement Number 1...
Hula Hoop Hustle

Hula Hoop Hustle

Let’s play! Sometimes you just have to have fun and make stuff up. I have a new weighted hula hoop that just says use me! I just threw in the footwork for agility. Pretend the outside is hot coals or something else that you don’t want to be standing in! Movement...