One of my favorite cardio exercises is using the rower!

From my early years at UC Santa Barbara when I participated in my first crew experience, I was hooked on moving on the water! 🚣‍♀️
After a long hiatus I found my passion again in Ke Kei Ohana, paddling a 6 person outrigger canoe. Although using a water rower is not exactly an ocean like experience, it does get the heart pumping and the blood flowing to the brain. (And it is a little easier getting in the rower than a bouncing boat)
In fact According to the Alzheimer’s Association engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise elevates your heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain and body. Several studies have found an association between physical activity and reduced risk of cognitive decline.
In a 2018 study published in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, researchers found that although all types of exercise are important, if you have a family history of, or early signs of Alzheimer’s disease you might want to consider emphasizing aerobic activity over other forms.
Lead Researcher Gary Panza hypothesizes the reasons aerobic activity may have larger effects on cognitive function is that it increased heart rate more, which increase blood flow to the brain, leading to adaptations due to neuroplasticity and the release of chemicals that enhance memory and mental clarity. The study showed a moderately favorable effect on cognitive function.

Proper Rowing for Max Benefits

  • To make the most out of your stroke, focus on your posture! Then you can go fast. Make sure you hinge at the hips and keep the shoulders down and away from the ears. I demonstrate the traditional rounding you see so often.
  • A big mistake novice rowers make on and off the water is the use of their arms to do all the pulling. The power of the pull comes from the back and core. The arms are involved but remember those are small muscles.
  • The other part of your body that is often neglected is the push from the heal while your feet are in the straps. Pushing into the heels activates your glutes and hamstrings. My booty is usually screaming after a 6 mile run on the water.
  • The third component that is left out, is the pause after the pull. That is when the boat glides and you get a very short break!
If you have never used a water rower before, start light and do no more than 5 -10 min.
Come see me if you would like to learn more about working on the water rower! Shoot me a direct message at if you don’t know where I am.
Knowing that you’re perhaps decreasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and increasing your mental clarity 💪🧠 every time you huff and puff may help get you out and moving! It’s your choice!

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