Blue Zones?

What comes to your mind when you hear that phrase? The aquarium perhaps? The opposite of the red zone? A large contingent of depressed people?

On the contrary, Blue Zones are the places around the world, there are 5 of them, where people live long and disease-free life compared to our American life standard.

The Blue Zone concept came out of a story that National Geographic did on “The Secrets of Long Life”, some years ago. I was introduced to the Blue Zones from a continuing education class I did on the science of aging. As a trainer who tries to promote and support a healthy active aging process, this Blue Zone concept intrigues me.

There are 5 Blue zones located around the world. They are located in Sardinia, where the world’s longest-lived men can be found in small villages. Okinawa, which produces the highest number of centenarians, who are mostly woman, and Ikaria, Greece, where people not only live the longest but also have the lowest rate of dementia. Also, in Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula, where entire populations reach a healthy 90. Last but not least Loma Linda, California where Seventh-day Adventists live a decade longer than other Americans.

From the research and interviews done on these groups of people around the world, nine characteristics were seen in each of these five places in the world to help contribute to their healthy longevity. Drum roll please:

  • Move Naturally
  • Stop eating when you are 80% full
  • Plant slant/ less meat and processed foods
  • Drink red wine/ in moderation
  • Purpose now or “why I wake up in the morning”
  • Downshift take time to relieve stress
  • Participate in a spiritual community
  • Loved ones first/make family a priority
  • Right tribe/ be surrounded by those who share Blue zone values

All of these people who were part of this Blue Zone were a very simple extraordinary, ordinary group. Many of them are farmers and shepherds who worked a hard but active life.

The lesson I think for me is to be able to create my personal Blue Zone, and perhaps help you find yours. I hope to explore each one of these characteristics a bit more and share some insight, in other posts.

From this research, Blue Zone projects in the US have been created to help us live longer and better by working on initiatives in the community that help people make healthier choices and make it a common goal! There are 48 ongoing projects going on in the United States now!

In 2019 Monterey County became part of the Blue Zone Project. Check out their Website at

There are a number of community meetings surrounding this exciting project coming up in February, so check it out! For more information on the Blue Zone and how it has led to improved health in the communities it has touched, check out

Are any of you familiar with the Blue Zones? (There is one in Albert Lea cousins!)

Enjoy your week!

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