It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane…

…no it’s ripped grandma doing a Bird dog!

In last weeks strength segment, I shared some reverse pec fly moves on the ball. I stated that you need to feel comfortable on the ball before you attempt the pec fly move! This is a good place to start. It is a great one for small stabilizers in the back, so lots of core work.

Key things to watch for are…

  • Not to raise your back leg to high, therefore tweaking the back.
  • Not to raise your arm to high, incurring shoulder or neck pain.
  • Think length, long, etc.!

If this is still too challenging just lift the legs one at a time, or arms only one at a time. If you want a greater challenge, close your eyes, hold the pose longer, 5 to 6 seconds, or raise the same side leg and arm.

Make sure you are not resting on your stomach. You want to rest on your hips. You want constant contact at the hips while lifting!

Please make sure you have pain free range of motion! Stayed tuned for when we share some more ball strength moves!

Enjoy the week!

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