Let’s Pull That Core Into Shape

Have you ever struggled to pull yourself out of a pool, up a rope, or up the side of a mountain?

When we pull, we use our back muscles, not exclusively, but that is where the force is initiated!

Today’s movement is not a basic one, but for some of you out there who are looking to be challenged, this is a challenging exercise. You can combine it with the core exercise I show today, or by itself, in a ladder sort of drill.

For example, do one, rest for 10 seconds, do two, rest for 10 seconds, do 3 rest for 10 seconds, and on until you get to 10 and then come down the ladder.

Reverse/Inverted Row

  • For our reverse or inverted row, we have the TRX straps super short.
  • I am facing the attachment, but I have seen it done where you are facing away from the attachment also.
  • The most important thing is where your hands are in relation to your chest.
  • To get into this position, either walk down or start seated and pull yourself up to an inverted plank position.
  • I have my knees bent which is easier and maintains my core.
  • Make sure your hands are over your chest and not behind your head or near your hips.
  • Pull yourself up, palms may be facing out.

Maintain your plank position throughout the pull-up and lower yourself slowly. Continue to do these until you are fatigued. Watch the hyperextension of your back on this one. If you can’t do this without arching your back, go back to a more angled row and work towards it!


  • Our second strength movement involves rotating to the center while maintaining your hip alignment.
  • Hold the pulley in front of you while you tap (this is anti-rotation work).
  • My third pull is done on one leg.
  • I always like to try everything on one leg, and my weight is challenging but doable, with 20 lbs on the pulley.
  • You might go higher or lower in weight, if you can’t pull it with wide legs, lower your weight until that movement is comfortable.

Let me know what you think or if you have a variation of either of these exercises that you do!


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