Welcome to December! As the days get shorter and colder for most of us. Snuggling down becomes somewhat easier, although we are not bears (but we can still give great hugs)… So, today my suggestions for mobility are full body movements. They are still simple, but if you do them they can help with balance, strength and a general wake up of the body after sitting for long periods of time.

If you have particular issues with shoulders, do these without the ball, and keep movements small. Do a few of the shoulder warm-ups before.

The other beautiful thing about these movements is everything can be done with or without the ball and you can add some music to spice things up. The idea that we have to go to a gym or have to get a certain amount of “cardio” in can be a stress in itself.

Stress is stress and will backfire in the form of a slowed metabolism. The body doesn’t know the difference between stress from the tax man or stress from worrying about calories, or if you are running from that big wave! It produces that cortisol regardless, which is not generally beneficial in large quantities!

* If you are an A type exerciser, cortisol is produced when we exercise, it produces stress on the body. Make sure you are getting at least 24-48 hours between your heavy workouts.

These movements are great to just get everything flowing and keep things moving! Find your breath as you move! Spend 30 sec. to 1 min. with each exercise flowing from one to the other, as I do in the video, and you are all done within 4 min.

Our Movements For Today…

1. Ball Circles – vary foot pattern wide and split and single
2. UPS (low to high with rotation)
3. Reach Back – throw over your shoulder
4. Roll Out

Is that your workout for the day? It could be or it could be the warm up to a heavier longer workout, or you could do it 3-4 times throughout the day. You could use hand weights in place of the ball, and add a pushup to your roll out. So many choices! Have fun! 

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