Happy feet make happy campers, hikers, tennis players, golfers and walkers!

It’s amazing how we abuse such important structures of our bodies by sticking them in tight places called shoes. For relief let’s do a little golf ball roll, which might help to compress the fascia and increase movement.

After you roll with the golf ball, you can roll your calf with the foam roller. Again, we are compressing the fascia to help increase the movement of the tissue. Fascia is responsible for 40-44% of movement at or across the joint, according to the Panjabi Model of Movement. If the fascia (which is a multidimensional continuous layer of connective tissue) is able to move in a non-restricted way, the foot can respond and then the 26 bones and 33 joints of the foot and ankle can work the way they are supposed to.

⚠️A word of caution⚠️ for myofascial techniques, there are contraindications if you have peripheral vascular disease or other peripheral diseases (lesions) or current history of Deep vein thrombosis, osteoporosis, hypertension, or pregnancy.

As usual, there should be no acute pain associated with these movements.

Limit your time to less than 2 minutes on each side.

I like to do a before and after check in-squat before the roll, then squat after the roll. See if you notice a difference and let me know in a comment below. Most of the time it is a very noticeable one!

Let me know in a comment below what you

Until next time keep moving!

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