Mindset Matters!

Mindset Matters!

Mindsets Matter Do you think of growing old as an inevitable process of deterioration, both mind and body, or a process where we continue to grow wisdom and gain growth? Its all in how we think of it, right, our mindset? Read on: The first cartoon demonstrates how...
No Gym Required Workout

No Gym Required Workout

To sit or stand, that is the question, the answer is move! How many of you think we burn more energy standing rather than sitting? I hope most of you chose standing, although if you were sitting and marching, or standing and marching it might be a different story. The...
Strength with Resistance Bands!

Strength with Resistance Bands!

Building Strength with Resistance Bands! Today’s video not only has two great resistance band exercises, but I also tackle the great challenge of what color resistance bands to use! Since I narrate this video, I won’t bore you with text! Let me know if you...
Back To Basics with the Feet

Back To Basics with the Feet

Happy feet make happy campers, hikers, tennis players, golfers and walkers! It’s amazing how we abuse such important structures of our bodies by sticking them in tight places called shoes. For relief let’s do a little golf ball roll, which might help to...