Bird Dog on the Ball

Bird Dog on the Ball

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… …no it’s ripped grandma doing a Bird dog! In last weeks strength segment, I shared some reverse pec fly moves on the ball. I stated that you need to feel comfortable on the ball before you attempt the pec fly move! This is a good...
Tweaking Glute Exercises

Tweaking Glute Exercises

Let’s Tweak It! Sometimes you can take a basic exercise and do something to tweak it! Often times we see hip bridges done with a bar over the hips, in order to give the glutes more work. I found this little gem from a Spanish PT blog. Having the band across the...
Roll ON It!

Roll ON It!

We rolled with it on Monday… …so lets do some compound exercise and roll ON it (the ball that is) for our Strength Segment this week. This is one of my favorite moves, as it works a number of different areas of the body, namely the core and the back. This...
Roll With It!

Roll With It!

Let’s Roll Those Shoulders! Today’s brief video is a simple one, but I feel a very important one for a number of reasons. First, although I am in my studio, I could have done this in my pajamas, or on a park bench. Thought I would spare you since you have...
How Much Exercise You Need to Stay Healthy

How Much Exercise You Need to Stay Healthy

“How much exercise do I need to stay healthy?” Last week we posted a question in the Ripped Grandma Wellness Facebook Group and asked you how often you exercise? From the answers that were posted we have a very active group! But in case you are wondering...
Walk This Way!

Walk This Way!

Let’s go for a walk! Walking! It is one of the easiest things we can do, to stay fit and well as we age. It has often been said that walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise. Usually, I focus on a specific area that helps with mobility, but...