How Blue Are You?

How Blue Are You?

Blue Zones? What comes to your mind when you hear that phrase? The aquarium perhaps? The opposite of the red zone? A large contingent of depressed people? On the contrary, Blue Zones are the places around the world, there are 5 of them, where people live long and...
Jump the Joint with the Bosu

Jump the Joint with the Bosu

Winter is just around the corner and ski season is here! Although It has been several years since I skied! (ok more than several) But, if YOU are thinking about hitting the slopes, it is imperative to get your legs and body in shape. And if you are not a skier, no...
Big Pulls and Core Work

Big Pulls and Core Work

Let’s Pull That Core Into Shape Have you ever struggled to pull yourself out of a pool, up a rope, or up the side of a mountain? When we pull, we use our back muscles, not exclusively, but that is where the force is initiated! Today’s movement is not a...
Take 5! – Bosu Balance

Take 5! – Bosu Balance

Feeling Off-Balance? I don’t know about where you live, but sometimes it seems like we are skipping seasons. Makes one a bit off balance! This leads us into today’s Mobility Monday segment that features the Bosu! Trying to remain stable while moving one...