Wow! We have only 2 more Mondays till the years end! This is generally a busy time of year for all of us. Often times we are missing workouts, walks, runs, biking, and riding because of shortened daylight, holiday plans or other unexpected events that life throws us.

What is one thing we can do for a short amount of time that helps with balance, core, strength and vacation planning? Ankle mobility! (I knew that was your first guess) A mobile ankle can help your gait, which helps your balance and helps your core, which can benefit you in your squatting, hinging or lunging movements. It will help put the spring back in our step which will help us feel better and start planning that next vacation because we feel so confident in our body! Yes!! all that from a simple exercise!

For today I am using a balance pod. If you don’t have one, you can use a tennis ball, or a frozen bottle of water (don’t try this on a wooden surface standing) use a rug or a mat to keep the bottle from getting loose and do this sitting. This is not a balance exercise, it is a mobility movement for our ankle. You may do this sitting or standing.

  • Start by standing next to a counter or firm surface.
  • Place your foot in the middle of the pod and press forward and back slowly, moving the ankle only.
  • The knee is over the foot whether standing or sitting.
  • You may feel a tightness in the calf but because we are moving forward we are also stretching the front of the leg muscle. The main point is not to do the movement with legs and keep the knees stable.
  • Next, keep the foot on the pod and move the ankle side to side.
  • This will be a more challenging smaller movement but important as our foot is meant to move this way in our gait pattern.

Watch your knee and do not initiate the side to side. All movement starts with the ankle. Be kind to yourself.

While you are doing both these movements, try to lengthen your toes rather than scrunch them. This movement is preferably done with a sock but can be done with a shoe on.

Listen to your body and always do these in a pain-free range of motion. If you have arthritis in your ankles go slow and
make deliberate movements. If there is pain make the movement smaller. If pain continues, stop!

This is a great pattern to do in the am before you start your day or it can be done in the evening while you are sitting reading or relaxing. Definitely, one to do before your workout!
Let me know in the comment section below where you are booking your next vacation because of your awesome ankle mobility!!

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