Working with the Agility Ladder!

Most of us have seen an agility ladder on a sports field, or maybe you remember working with one on the tennis court or soccer field. Just because we are older doesn’t necessarily mean that they are out of bounds.

A few posts ago I was working with a Bosu ball and bringing my knee up, tapping and then bringing it down. (CLICK HERE to check that post out)  The ladder actually offers other options and there is no height to worry about.

Depending on your fitness level and comfort level, not your age…the agility ladder can be used to increase our confidence by improving your coordination skills.

Basically we are working on our stepping skills, I have sped the video up a bit in places, but speed is not necessarily what we are after. Although a few high knees with the ladder does get the cardio up, safety is really what we are working on with foot placement and coordination in movement!

You can make your own agility ladder with tape 12-18 inches apart – or you might have one available at your favorite fitness facility (say that 3 times fast).

The examples I use are pretty simple and straightforward, and you can see I always start out slow and get the movement pattern first. It is very similar to learning to dance.

You can use single foot in the box, two feet in the box, lateral movement, two feet out, two feet in, there are many combinations you can use.Some people use agility ladders for walking planks, but that is yet another video!

Thanks for watching! Let me see your favorite ladder drill over on Facebook and Enjoy your week!

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