About Ripped Grandma

Supporting a Wellness Culture
for Active Women and Men Over 60!

Annie Villareal

Annie Villareal

The Ripped Grandma

Credentials and Past Certifications

  • BA Biology UCSB

  • ACSM Personal Trainer Since 2007

  • TRX group instructor, TRX sports Medicine, TRX Functional Training

  • MES – post-rehab work

  • Wellcoaches -Health and Wellness

  • Coach Training Program (13 weeks)

  • Active Aging Certification

  • Corrective exercise Certification

  • Zumba Instructor

  • Licensed Massage Therapist 2010

  • Zumba Aqua Group Instructor

  • Pilates Restorative Group Instructor

  • Schwinn Cycling and Les Mills RPM Group Instructor

Annie Villareal – The Ripped Grandma’s Story

As a youngster growing up I (the ripped grandma) wanted to be several things, a cowgirl, an army man, a circus performer, an explorer like Jacque Cousteau, and a professional baseball player. (The fact that I was a girl never entered my mind) Whatever the future might bring, there was always movement involved. Well, there was that week I wanted to be a  nun, but that doesn’t count (they move mountains).

Growing up in the ’60s women’s sports were just starting to appear, in fact in 1974 in my high school I was part of the first cross country squad. The running craze was ramping up with  with Jim Fix. By the time I graduated from college at UC Santa Barbara, with a degree in Biology, I had participated in a number of sports including, skiing, swimming, running, tennis, crew, volleyball, martial arts, square dancing, both group and individual with running, and crew being the most meaningful. I also worked out with weights in volleyball and crew during college. Movement was a big part of my life.

Throughout my adult life…

…I participated in master softball teams and finished 4 marathons and a number of smaller road races. But, for a professional career, I found myself in a part-time job in pharmaceutical sales, which I loathed.

Running was my main source of movement until my second child, and then I had an 18-year lapse. My eating habits, I thought were ok, but having 3 swimmers in the family, carting them to 3 different practices, making numerous meals and me eating at all of them was not conducive to a healthy body. Also, as a pharmaceutical rep I  drove and sat, and gained  70 lbs. Neck and back issues started and I had neck surgery at 40! REALLY?

This was not the way I thought it would be. Where did my body go? 

At 49 I  had one grandchild, a freshman in high school and was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. My Doctor recommended a book, as both my blood pressure and sugar were high. So then I changed my diet and one year later I was down to my college weight and I was thinking of running my final marathon, which was The Big Sur Marathon!

Then I was forced into a career change from two layoffs by the pharmaceutical Industry and the great recession was also starting and so my second career started off with attaining my ACSM Personal Trainer Certification. I also went back to school and took classes in pilates and yoga. Two trends that are fairly hot now but did not exist so much in the early 80’s.

As my career evolves as a personal trainer I realize that I am working with many post rehab issues and older adults and I’ve noticed I needed more education about the body.  Again, I made the decision to go back to school and get my Massage Therapy License. There is an abundance of muscle imbalance with people that I work with and I find Massage Therapy to be helpful in many ways.

My fitness career continued to go in different directions. I started to teach Aqua Aerobics and Zumba. My love for dance and music have also really mingled over the years and I found my calling.

My gym toys are frequently the TRX suspension trainer, a kettle bell and the rip trainer. I use these tools with almost all of my clients and I find my clients to enjoy them and the benefits they offer.

I have been in the business of helping people create new wellness habits for almost 13 years now!

However, machines do wear out and I am no different. It came time to get my hip replaced. For my 60 birthday I gave myself a new hip! I have been developing the ultimate source of fitness education for women and men over 60.

This website is all about following me and my workouts. Workouts that are important for you for keeping mobility, balance and strength, keeping up with your grandkids, traveling, golfing, tennis, rock climbing, skiing, dancing, and outrigger canoeing (my personal favorite).

I am on a continuous quest to help others, like myself, move more, move better and have fun! That’s why I have also opened my own personal fitness studio! If you are in the Carmel Valley, CA area and want to work on increasing your mobility, strength and balance then give me a call!

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