Do you know about NEAT? It is an acronym that stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

Research shows you can burn 250-500 calories a day from NEAT.

NEAT encompasses the calories we burn while living life, such as walking to work, fidgeting, typing, folding clothes, cooking dinner, etc.

Only sleeping, eating and sports are not included!

Short simple NEAT activities increase metabolism while enhancing brain health.

Here are just a few ways you can increase your NEAT!

  •  flex from side to side
  • stretch the chest by closing your hands behind your neck
  • march while seated
  • march while standing
  • stand in tree pose while brushing your teeth

Seated Brain Boosters

  • wiggle or tap the toes while at the desk
  • sit up and down every 10-20 min
  • stand up and roll your shoulders
  • fidget
  • give yourself a hand or foot massage (my personal favorite 😉)

In a world where time is limited, and it is a challenge to find “time” to exercise, NEAT might be a way for all of us to stay in the game!

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