Happy New Year!

Greetings and let’s rock this year, shall we?
Where will the road lead you this year?

Three thoughts to ponder as you get started on your new path of wellness and movement in 2019 (or even if you want to continue on the current healthy path).

1. Don’t get caught up in the all or nothing mindset – do what you can and do it consistently – and although this is often applied to movement and exercise it could easily be applied to nutrition or meditation.

2. “Comparison is the thief of joy!” Not my quote, but I borrow it with love. What works for others is helpful but we have to experiment with what works for us. Your story is the one that counts, stick with it. Your journey is yours don’t compare yourself with others.

3. Find something you enjoy….ok this one is so overused! But if you can find some way to tolerate a movement or make it part of your routine and you find it eases your pain or makes you feel better, or helps keep your depression away, then do it!

I will leave you with a bit of fun in the snow, notice I used my crisscross applesauce get down and get up. It also comes with great grunting sound effects! 

 Tell us your New Year thoughts, goals or resolutions with us in a comment below! We’d love to hear from you… 

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