Strength comes in all forms!

The fitness industry, unfortunately, has focused on the outside body, the 6 pack, the muffin top, the boot camp! While all that is important, as we age, it is in our capacity to be brave, challenging our numerous life circumstances that drive us.

Today I want to share a Ted Talk from 2017 that speaks to our inner core values, that may help us realize our physical strength more readily!

Caroline Paul, in her 2016 TED Talk, shares how raising girls to be brave and adventurous, rather than fearful, can affect how they grow and learn. That same upbringing or less risky behavior permeates as we grow up. Bravery she points out is learned, not unlike balance!

The bravery attributes that Caroline Paul highlights are:

  • getting outside your comfort zone
  • calling upon your resilience
  • Finding confidence in yourself

These three qualities are important as we age and strive to continue to be strong physically.

Aging is not easy.

It takes bravery to act on a new idea, a new thought, or a new movement! Fear often separates us from success in moving forward with our goals, in any part of your life.

However, you are the only one who knows where that comfort zone is and what is on the other side. But imagine you are talking to a little girl and you are telling her to be brave and take the risk, not just on the playground, but in life, and then model that behavior!

This TED Talk is about 12 minutes long, but I found it worthy of re-posting. I hope you enjoy it!

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