Keep Yourself Happy…

Looking for some creative ideas next time you go to the gym? Here are 6 moves to keep you happy!

Today’s happy movements are…

  1. Pulling
  2. The Spiderman (rotate hips)
  3. Pushing
  4. Stepping over with the Bosu
  5. Warding in the Lateral Plane
  6. The Bear Crawl

Although I use the pulley to pull, push and ward. A band could be used in its place!

Make sure you warm up the areas you are going to work.

A suggested workout with these happy moves might be…

  • 20 reps for the push, pull and ward moves
  • 30 seconds of the body moves
  • Do 5 rounds and see how you feel.
  • Or do it one time thru and hop on the rower for 3 minutes!

As usual, if there is pain in any of these moves please stop or check your posture! Feel free to mix up these 6 moves with the other two days I have posted. The possibilities are endless! Please email me for further info on the moves if needed! My email is

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